Project presentations and write-ups

The following are the details for the rest of the semester.

May 9 (Friday), 3:30-5:00pm, Intel Research Berkeley

Each group will be allocated 20 minutes for a presentation and a live demonstration of their service running on PlanetLab. Each group's presentation should minimally include:
  • A brief summary of what the service does
  • A sketch of the design and implementation of your service
  • An evaluation of your service running on PlanetLab
  • A live demonstration of your service running on PlanetLab

The schedule is as follows (w/ 10 minutes of slack time):

  • 3:30pm-3:50pm (Availability service)
  • 3:50pm-4:10pm (DIM)
  • 4:10pm-4:30pm (Morticia)
  • 4:30pm-4:50pm (plush)

Presentations will begin promtly at 3:30pm, so please show up on time. Once again, note that the presentations will be held at Intel Research Berkeley, not 310 Soda.

May 16 (Friday), Due 11:59pm PST

Each group will write a 8-10 page writeup that describes:

  • What your service does and why it's important
  • The design of your service, including design trade-offs
  • The implementation of your service
  • Experience developing and deploying your service on PlanetLab
  • An evaluation of your service on PlanetLab (e.g., performance, robustness)
  • A URL for a tarball containing all the code needed to run your service
  • A URL for a README describing how to run your service

Write-ups and the URLs for the code/README should be emailed to both instructors by the midnight deadline and be in either postscript or PDF format.

As 80% of the course's points (which determine course credit) is based on the project, the following is the breakdown of how project points will be allocated. The remaining 20% of the course's points were determined by the assignment earlier in the semester which all of you received full credit for. Here is the breakdown for the project:

  • May 7 presentation/demo (30% of course points)
  • May 16 writeup (50% of course points)

Assuming your service does a reasonably good job at implementing the service it set out to provide and runs in your entire slice on PlanetLab, the above points should be easily obtained.