30 days.

From: Philip Buonadonna 
To: "'Brent N. Chun'" 
Subject: RE: search engines are powerful indeed . . .
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 00:38:52 -0800

Did I tell you my pac bell story?

I pay all my bills electronically through BofA.  BofA says I need to give a
5 day lead time when sending to P.B.   Fine.

I payed last months bill electronically, well in advance of the due date and
with plenty of lead time.  Pac Bell didn't credit my account till 30 fucking
days later! After my next billing cycle? Pac Bells reason? "We aren't setup
to do this efficiently. Your payments come on a big check from BofA (a
!PAPER! check) along with a list of what accounts are to be credited"  The
fact that a technology/communications company can't do electronic payments
aside, they must employ fucking monkeys as their data entry losers.  Wait.
Strike that.  Monkeys would not have taken NEARLY 30 days to enter my
payment info.

I sympathize totally.  I'm glad I don't have to deal w/ the DSL issues as


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