my dsl line died for over 24 hours from 13 jan 2000 to 14 jan 2000.
more specifically, it appeared that my dsl modem was unable to
synchronize with pacbell's oakland central office, leaving me without
internet connectivity and with a sync light that was pegged red for
minutes at a time. (between being dead, it would show signs of life by
allowing a few packets though before immediately dying again.) here's
a sampling of the madness:
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=15 ttl=64 time=240001.1 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=16 ttl=64 time=239003.0 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=17 ttl=64 time=238004.2 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=39 ttl=64 time=216004.4 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=40 ttl=64 time=215004.7 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=41 ttl=64 time=214004.9 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=65 ttl=64 time=190005.1 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=66 ttl=64 time=189005.3 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=67 ttl=64 time=188005.6 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=91 ttl=64 time=164005.8 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=92 ttl=64 time=163006.0 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=93 ttl=64 time=162006.2 ms
it takes an extraordinary amount of skill to type ahead under these
conditions, that is if your tcp connections don't die before that.
4 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=68.8 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=11 ttl=64 time=18.6 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=12 ttl=64 time=18.7 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=36 ttl=64 time=52.9 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=37 ttl=64 time=19.9 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=38 ttl=64 time=20.0 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=62 ttl=64 time=54.4 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=63 ttl=64 time=21.2 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=64 ttl=64 time=21.0 ms
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=88 ttl=64 time=947000.4 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=87 ttl=64 time=948000.4 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=89 ttl=64 time=946000.9 ms
64 bytes from 209.233.*.254: icmp_seq=90 ttl=64 time=945001.2 ms
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
From 209.233.*.*: Destination Host Unreachable
as you can see, it showed some signs of life but not enough to
get any useful work done.
1825 packets transmitted, 224 packets received, +5 duplicates, +266 errors, 87% packet loss
23328 packets transmitted, 2685 packets received, +10 duplicates, +3830 errors, 88% packet loss
some statistics that i thought i'd share.