Brent N. Chun
Contact Info

and Millennium
at Berkeley,
at Caltech,
PlanetLab at
Intel Research Berkeley,
wireless sensor networks at Arch Rock,
quantitative research at an equity
long/short hedge fund, parallel database at
Data, social lobbying for registered voters
at Votizen, enterprise cloud platform at Nutanix,
AgentOS at DevRev.
Curator: Self-Managing Storage for Enterprise Clusters.
Ignacio Cano,
Srinivas Aiyar,
Varun Arora,
Manosiz Bhattacharyya,
Akhilesh Chaganti,
Chern Cheah,
Brent Chun,
Karan Gupta,
Vinayak Khot, and
Arvind Krishnamurthy.
In Proceedings of the
14th USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design
and Implementation, Boston, MA, March 2017.
Service Placement in Shared Wide-Area Platforms.
David Oppenheimer,
Brent Chun,
David Patterson,
Alex C. Snoeren, and
Amin Vahdat.
In Proceedings of the
2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston, MA, June 2006.
Addressing Strategic Behavior in a Deployed Microeconomic Resource
Chaki Ng,
Philip Buonadonna,
Brent N. Chun,
Alex C. Snoeren, and
Amin Vahdat.
In Proceedings of the
3rd Workshop on Economics of
Systems, August 2005.
Computational Risk Management for Building Highly Reliable Network
Brent N. Chun,
Philip Buonadonna,
Chaki Ng.
In Proceedings of the
1st Workshop on Hot Topics
in System Dependability, June 2005.
Why Markets Could (But Don't Currently) Solve Resource Allocation Problems in Systems.
Jeffrey Shneidman,
Chaki Ng,
David C. Parkes,
Alvin AuYoung,
Alex C. Snoeren,
Amin Vahdat, and
Brent N. Chun.
In Proceedings of the
10th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, June 2005.
Mirage: A Microeconomic Resource Allocation System for SensorNet
Brent N. Chun,
Philip Buonadonna,
Alvin AuYoung,
Chaki Ng,
David C. Parkes,
Jeffrey Shneidman,
Alex C. Snoeren,
Amin Vahdat.
In Proceedings of the
2nd IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors, May 2005.
The Architecture of PIER: an Internet-Scale Query Processor.
Ryan Huebsch,
Brent Chun,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Boon Thau Loo,
Petros Maniatis,
Timothy Roscoe,
Scott Shenker,
Ion Stoica
Aydan R. Yumerefendi.
In Proceedings of the
2nd Biennial Conference on Innovative Data
Systems Research, January 2005.
DART: Distributed Automated Regression Testing for Large-Scale
Network Applications.
Brent N. Chun.
In Proceedings of the
8th International
Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (Copyright © Springer-Verlag), December 2004.
Design Considerations for Information Planes.
Brent Chun,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Ryan Huebsch,
Petros Maniatis,
Timothy Roscoe.
In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Real, Large Distributed Systems, December 2004.
Resource Allocation in Federated Distributed Computing Infrastructures.
Alvin AuYoung,
Brent N. Chun,
Alex C. Snoeren, and
Amin Vahdat.
In Proceedings of the
1st Workshop on Operating System and Architectural Support for the On-demand IT
InfraStructure, October 2004.
The Lonely NATed Node.
Chad Yoshikawa,
Brent Chun,
Amin Vahdat.
In Proceedings of the
ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2004, September 2004.
The Ganglia Distributed Monitoring System: Design, Implementation, and
Matthew L. Massie,
Brent N. Chun, and
David E.
Culler. Parallel Computing, Vol. 30, Issue 7, July 2004.
Distributed Hash Queues: Architecture and Design.
Chad Yoshikawa,
Brent Chun,
Amin Vahdat.
In Proceedings of the
3rd International Workshop on
Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing, July 2004.
Operating Systems Support for Planetary-Scale Network Services.
Andy Bavier,
Mic Bowman,
Brent Chun,
David Culler,
Scott Karlin,
Steve Muir,
Larry Peterson,
Timothy Roscoe,
Tammo Spalink,
Mike Wawrzoniak.
In Proceedings of the
1st USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design
and Implementation, March 2004.
Decentralized Trust Management and Accountability in Federated Systems.
Brent N. Chun and
In Proceedings of the 37th
Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, January 2004.
Workload and Failure Characterization on a Large-Scale Federated
Brent Chun
and Amin Vahdat.
Intel Research Berkeley Technical Report
IRB-TR-03-040. November 2003.
PIER on PlanetLab: Initial Experience and Open Problems.
Ryan Huebsch,
Brent Chun,
Joseph M. Hellerstein. Intel Research Berkeley Technical Report
IRB-TR-03-043, November 2003.
SHARP: An Architecture for Secure Resource Peering.
Yun Fu,
Jeffrey Chase,
Brent Chun,
Stephen Schwab, and
Amin Vahdat. In
of the 19th ACM Symposium on
Operating Systems Principles, Bolton Landing, NY, October 2003.
Netbait: a Distributed Worm Detection Service. Brent N. Chun,
Jason Lee, and
Weatherspoon. Intel Research Berkeley Technical Report
IRB-TR-03-033, September 2003.
Slice Creation and Management.
Brent Chun
and Tammo Spalink.
PlanetLab Design Note PDN-03-013, July 2003.
PlanetLab: An Overlay Testbed for Broad-Coverage Services.
Brent Chun,
David Culler,
Timothy Roscoe,
Andy Bavier,
Larry Peterson,
Mike Wawrzoniak,
Mic Bowman. PlanetLab Design Note PDN-03-009.
ACM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 33, Issue 3, July 2003
(ACM SIGCOMM Test of Time Paper Award).
Bootstrapping a Distributed Computational Economy with Peer-to-Peer
Bartering. Brent Chun,
Yun Fu, and
Amin Vahdat. In
of the 1st
Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer
Systems, Berkeley, CA, June 2003.
- User-centric Performance Analysis of Market-based Cluster
Batch Schedulers. Brent N. Chun and
David E. Culler.
In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Berlin, Germany, May 2002.
- REXEC: A Decentralized, Secure Remote Execution Environment for
Clusters. Brent N. Chun and
David E. Culler.
In Proceedings of the
4th Workshop on Communication, Architecture, and
Applications for Network-based Parallel Computing
, Toulouse, France, January 2000.
- Market-based Proportional Resource Sharing for Clusters.
Brent N. Chun and
David E. Culler.
University of California at Berkeley, Computer Science Division,
Technical Report CSD-1092. January 2000.
- Virtual Network Transport Protocols for Myrinet.
Brent N. Chun,
Alan M. Mainwaring, and
David E. Culler. In
Proceedings of
Hot Interconnects
V: a Symposium on High Performance Interconnects, Stanford
University, August 1997 (Award Paper). Also appears in IEEE Micro,
January/February 1998.
- System Area Network Mapping.
Brent Chun,
Alan Mainwaring,
Saul Schleimer, and
Daniel Wilkerson.
In Proceedings of the
9th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures,
Newport, Rhode Island, June 1997.
- Parallel Computing on the Berkeley NOW.
David E. Culler, Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau,
Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau,
Brent Chun, Steven Lumetta, Alan Mainwaring,
Richard Martin,
Chad Yoshikawa,
Frederick Wong.
In Proceedings of the 9th Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing,
Kobe, Japan, May 1997.
- Using Smart Clients to Build Scalable Services.
Chad Yoshikawa,
Brent Chun,
Paul Eastham,
Amin Vahdat,
Tom Anderson, and
David Culler.
In Proceedings of the
1997 Annual Technical Conference, Anaheim, California,
January 1997.
- pssh: Parallel openssh tools, including
pssh, pscp, prsync, pnuke, and pslurp. These tools can be useful
for controlling and managing multiple machines in either a cluster
environment or over the wide-area (e.g., on
PlanetLab) . For more
information, including the latest software distribution, see the
pssh web page.
- GEXEC: A scalable cluster remote execution system which provides
fast, RSA authenticated remote execution of parallel and distributed
jobs. It uses hierarchical control and is designed to provide robust and
scalable execution to systems
over 1000 nodes. For more
information, including the latest software distribution, see the
GEXEC web page.
- PCP: A system for fast
replication of files on multiple nodes of a PC cluster. Replication is
done by building an n-ary tree of TCP sockets and using parallelized,
pipelined data transfers which use RSA authentication. For more
information, including the latest software distribution, see the
PCP web page.
- authd: A software package for obtaining and verifying
user credentials which contain cryptographic signatures based on RSA public
key cryptography. authd is currently used as part of both
PCP and
GEXEC. For more
information, including the latest software distribution, see the
authd web page.
- libe: A C library which contains various functions
which deal with data structures (hash tables, bitmasks, trees of IP
addresses, etc.), networking, I/O, barriers, and other useful
things. It is currently used in the implementation of
PCP, and
For more information, including the latest software distribution, see the
libe web page.
- dslice: Prototype dynamic slice creation implementation
for PlanetLab.
Users obtain cryptographically signed tickets from an agent
and subsequently redeem these tickets for leases on node resources which
are bound to virtual machines (currently
Linux vservers). For more information, including a link to the latest software distribution, see the
dslice web page.
- REXEC Cluster Remote Execution System: A decentralized, secure
remote execution system for running parallel
and sequential jobs on a cluster of computers. Also distributed as part
of the NPACI Rocks open-source,
cluster software distribution.
For more
information, including the latest software distribution, see the
REXEC web page.
- Active Messages: A fast, general-purpose cluster communication system that supports
multiprogramming with virtual networks, direct and protected network
access, reliable message delivery using message timeouts and
retransmissions, a powerful return-to-sender error model for
applications, and automatic network mapping.
- CS199-6: An undergraduate project course aimed at
building planetary-scale applications to run over the PlanetLab
infrastructure, and/or the tools and services needed to effectively
deploy and manage them. Co-taught with Timothy Roscoe
at UC Berkeley in Spring 2003. An archive of the course materials
is here.
pgp public key